June 01, 2014


Music | The Sicilian by Bonobo

The show I knew I was having since last September is now out of my hands. The last 3 days has consisted of 16 hours of measuring, cutting, and assembling, all plates and prints are beautifully framed and delivered to the venue in which they will be hung for my opening exhibition in 4 days.

It has been grueling these last few months as I was trying to meet my own expectations of having so many images to choose for the show. I sadly fell short and knew that I would. This project was a struggle for more reasons I care to talk about. Self imposed, circumstance, and generally feeling out of sync; only momentarily did I feel at one with this project. As the opening day approaches the weight of getting it all together is over, I'm quickly gaining perspective. Battles are a good thing, especially when you can learn from them. This journey has certainly given me way more knowledge about myself than if I had not taken it on. Life would probably have been more simple, but reaching the heights I have and bottoming out to some uncertainties, I'm feeling good about where I have been and the road I chose to travel...

Some detail images from the upcoming exhibition...

Detail, Moonshine. Mask by Le Cordonnnier

Detail, Wil

Detail, Cadence

Detail, Mitsue

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